Theatrical Outfit is excited to announce “The Heart of the City Campaign” – an investment in facilities, programming and endowment. Originally launched in December 2019 with a goal of $6 million that was adjusted to $3.6 million in recognition of the significant effect of the pandemic on our city’s philanthropic community, the campaign set out to fund an HVAC overhaul and reworking of the lobby to create cleaner air and more space for its patrons (both of which are even more vital now than when we originally planned them prior to COVID); the creation of a new Apprentice Program; the creation of new works to tour to schools; and the establishment of an endowment fund.
Theatrical Outfit is excited to announce “The Heart of the City Campaign” – an investment in facilities, programming and endowment. Originally launched in December 2019 with a goal of $6 million that was adjusted to $3.6 million in recognition of the significant effect of the pandemic on our city’s philanthropic community, the campaign set out to fund an HVAC overhaul and reworking of the lobby to create cleaner air and more space for its patrons (both of which are even more vital now than when we originally planned them prior to COVID); the creation of a new Apprentice Program; the creation of new works to tour to schools; and the establishment of an endowment fund.
Donate To The Capital Campaign
Capital Campaign Donors
Anonymous, AEC Trust, Nancy and Tommy Barrow, Ronnie Belizaire, Molly Blank Fund, CJ Bolster and Helen Eisler, Gretchen E. Butler, Connie and Merrell Calhoun, Ann and Kent Canipe, Christine Tryba Cofrin and David Cofrin, Carol Comstock and Jim Davis, Marion Dearing and Fleming James, Cydnee Dubrof and Rob McDonough, Caroline and Jake Duffy, Florida and Doug Ellis, Lettie Pate Evans Foundation, Vanya Foote, Fox Theatre Institute, Georgia Council for the Arts, Anne Hayden, Anne and Charlie Henn, Allison and Ben Hill, Lane and Clark Howard, Rob Hutchins, Invest Atlanta, Cameron Ives and David Stockert, Necole Jackson-DeJoie and Wendell DeJoie, Susan and Alexander Johnson, Wendell Johnson, Mary Ulmer Jones, Beverly and Tom Key, Tess Malis Kincaid, John Knott and Chad Hardigree, Deborah and Wm Edward Laity, Darryl Lesure, Laurie and Art Mazor, Gai Lynn and Mark McCarthy, Karen and Richard McCrea, Sandy and Kim Muthersbough, Gretchen H. and C. Robert Neal, Bethany Nelson, Ryan Oliveti, Vicki and Howard Palefsky, Jessica Pardi and Bobby Lanier, Bonnie and Charlie Phipps, Mary and Wendell Reilly, Margaret and Robert Reiser, Rich Foundation, Jennifer and Jeff Seavey, The Simmons Family, Southface Institute, Stephen Swicegood and Ruth Ann Rosenberg, Matt Torney, Jessica Truelove, Jennifer and Dan Van Horn, Stephanie Watkins, Woodward Fund, Mary and Tim Yoder, Stacy Zeigler and Scott Bryan